
To provide expertise and services on human resources management and administrative matters.


To provide advice on administrative and human resources matters;
To provide strategic inputs on Administration and Human Resources Management issues such as recruitment, human resources development and training, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and welfare;
To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resources in the Ministry;
To collect, analyse, store and disseminate data and information related to human resource development plans;
To provide a link between the Ministry and the President’s Office Public Service Management on operationalization of the Public Service Management and Employment Policy and relevant Public Service Acts;
To provide data support and up-date records on various human resources information;
To provide all management services and organization development;
To conduct periodic staff audit and advise accordingly;
To process terminal benefits and leave;
Coordinate and liaise with PMORALG and the Commissioner of Education on teachers requirements to determine supply and demand for teachers in schools each year and advise accordingly; and
To coordinate implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS), assess the appraisal results; prepare implementation reports; and make follow-ups on the implementation of the recommendations on individual OPRAS forms.
This Division will be led by a Director and will have three (3) Sections as follows:-

Administration Section;
Human Resources Management Section; and
Human Resource Management Section-Institutions Section.


Administration Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

Interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture;
Provide registry, postage, messengerial and courier services; and manage office records;
Handle all protocol matters;
Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
Facilitate general custodian services to include maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including prevention of corrupt practices;
Coordinate and implement programmes on diversity issues including those on gender, disability and HIV/AIDS;
Be the Ministry’s Gender Focal Point;
Coordinate implementation of Public Private Partnership Policies and legislation and private sector participation in the Ministry;
Coordinate the preparation and implementation of the Wage Bill and Recurrent Budget for the ministry;
Coordinate implementation of Business Process Improvement in the Ministry;
Advise on organizational efficiency of the Ministry; and
Coordinate implementation of Client Service Charter in the Ministry.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


Human Resources Management Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

Coordinate staff recruitments, selections, placements, confirmations, promotions and transfers for the Ministry;
Carry out human resources planning to determine supply and demand for professionals under the Ministry;
Administer salaries and manage payroll;
Coordinate the implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS);
Advise and oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances etc) and entitlements;
Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates;
Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc);
Prepare and facilitate implementation of succession plans;
Facilitate orientation/induction programs for new entrants in the service;
Carry out staff training needs assessment for the Ministry and prepare training and capacity building plan, programs and budget;
Facilitate Human Resource training and career development (professional development, performance improvement, pre-retirement, part-time, and overseas) for the Ministry;
Facilitate human resource development (training, coaching, mentoring, and job rotation);
Carry out impact assessment of the staff training programs and prepare assessment reports;
Initiate and co-ordinate in-house courses and on the job training;
Provide information, clarifications and briefings on human resources and training matters; and
Serve as a Secretariat support to the Appointment Committee; and Training and Professional Development Committee
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.


Human Resource Management Section-Institutions Section

This Section will perform the following activities:-

Oversee staff recruitments, promotions and transfers for Institutions under the Ministry, Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Carry out human resources planning to determine supply and demand for staff in Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Coordinate the implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) in Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Process and update records of various leaves in Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Advise and oversee employee’s benefits (pension, allowances etc) and entitlements in Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Prepare Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates for Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Oversee services related to separation from the service (retirement, resignation, etc) for Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges.
Prepare and facilitate implementation of succession plans for Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Carry out staff training needs assessment for Teachers’ Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges and prepare training and capacity building plan, programs and budget;
Monitor and evaluate implementation of training programs and prepare training reports for Teachers ‘Training Colleges and Folk Development Colleges;
Maintain and enforce work ethics and discipline within the Section and ensure attainment of work targets related to various assignments in the Section;
Facilitate Renewal of Employment Contracts for Academic staff after compulsory retirement; and
Facilitate appointments of Chairmen and members of various Boards/Councils/ Commissions of Institutions under the Ministry.
This Section will be led by an Assistant Director.